Fast Forward

The Chicago Museum of Science and Industry has devoted a whole exhibit to the innovations and inventions of the future. Fast Forward is a time machine into how our future lives are being shaped today. If you have never had a chance to go to the exhibit, I would definitely recommend going! Some of the inventions include cuisine made by printers!


  1. Aric Rindfleisch said...

    One more reason to visit Chicago! At present, printers may not be able to make a complete meal but they can certainly frost your cupcake!  

  2. Kelli Kottke said...

    This has been my favorite blog post so far. Some of these innovations are absolutely incredible, especially the food printer. What I think is amazing is that many innovations not only make life easier, but can allow things that we take for granite to be distributed to areas of the world that do not have easy access to these things.  


Est. 2008 | Aric Rindfleisch | Wisconsin School of Business | Banner Image by Bruce Fritz